Baby Steps

I keep seeing posts on Instagram that are eye opening, our environmental situation seems dire and overwhelming. Baby steps, one small change at a time will snowball into multiple changes. We can’t expect everyone to do everything right all of the time. I tried a challenge last summer… The challenge was to go 1 day without using a single-use plastic item. One day, that’s all! Sounds fairly easy, right? Well give it a try and see how many times you are faced to use single-use plastic items. It’s a great way to get a perspective on how many of our everyday products are packaged this way. Now… try to make a conscious effort to avoid them in the future, or as many as you possibly can. I for one learned to refuse to drink “bottled water”. I now carry my refillable water bottle everywhere I go. Whether I need it or not, I always have it with me. Give it a try and see what you think. I know this isn’t composting info, but it helps minimize our landfill waste and that’s part of our mission!

Molly Hyson


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Happy New Year