Get started Composting today

So I decided to get back to the roots of our business for these blogs. Getting started with composting can be overwhelming… What goes into it, what do I do with it after I’ve collected it, and so many other questions. I wanted to share with you how I began composting.

It started with eggshells and coffee grounds for these reasons: Crushed egg shells around the base of tender vegetable plants can help keep slugs at bay. They also leach calcium and other trace nutrients into the soil as they decompose. Meanwhile, the coffee grounds leach valuable nitrogen and other nutrients to the roots. This is where my love for composting all began, my plants loved it and the blooms and fruit from my tomatoes were beautiful and delicious. So what are you waiting for? Get started colleting these yummy items now and reap the benefits in the Spring, the ground will be rich with these added nutrients. You will now be on your way to seeing the benefits of composting, and your plants will thank you!

Helpful tip: I started collecting with my empty coffee can and would dump it weekly directly into my garden. There is a cute store called Sage Refill Market @sagerefillmarket that sells countertop composters called Bamboozle Composter, these are nice looking and help minimize the odor check them out on Instagram or order online at good luck and feel free to reach out to us for help or questions. We are always happy to help!

Molly Hyson


New Years resolution: Take care of our planet


Baby Steps