Composting your EVENt

We have been receiving an uptick in inquiries regarding ZERO WASTE individual, company and corporate events. I am here to tell you that yes, yes, 1,000 times yes!. We offer this service to anyone who wants to have a sustainable event and not hassle with the disposal of compost, recyclable materials, and landfill waste. The objective is to stay away from using “single use” items and replace with actual glassware, plates & cutlery. Certain situations may require the use of “disposable” products, which is where compostable cups, bamboo plates, cutlery, toothpicks, compostable straws, etc. come into play. These items are easy to find and are earth friendly as long as they are separated from garbage and composted.

After everything is separated, it is exciting to see the volume of organic and recyclable waste diverted from out local landfills. We are proud to play a part in helping make your zero waste event a huge success.

If you’d like us to help make your zero waste goal a reality, please reach out, we would be happy to help.

Molly Hyson


Local Landfills filling up


Produce Stickers - A small but mighty problem